COVID-19 Update

Hacienda Programs Update


Youth and Family Services

We are pausing all face to face services, including Portland Niños, Expresiones, and SUN Youth Advocacy for the time being. Staff will check in with all youth in our programs by phone daily and all in-home visits will be conducted by phone. We will work with families to ensure safe delivery of necessary supplies, like diapers, over this time.

Homeownership Support

We are working to schedule all of our homeownership counseling, mortgage lending and foreclosure prevention counseling programs to telephone meetings to limit in person contact. In-person meetings will not be scheduled at this time and we will not be able see clients that walk-in without an appointment.

Portland Mercado

We have suspended all special events at the Mercado until it is safe to resume. Mercado vendors will continue to operate, primarily focused on take-out and delivery orders. We have 19 small businesses at the Mercado, 60 small businesses in our advising program, and 90 who use the commercial kitchen. We will help them track the economic impact in the hope that small business assistance will be available. We know that will be critical to their survival.


We are very concerned about the economic impact our families will face. We fully anticipate many will have trouble making rent payments over the coming months due to lost wages or employment. Housing stability is our number one priority. We will be flexible with tenants impacted by COVID 19 so their housing stability is not compromised.

Las Adelitas: Building a Vibrant Community

Hacienda CDC to break ground on Las Adelitas, 142 new affordable homes in Portland’s Cully neighborhood

On Friday, March 12th at 9:30 am, Hacienda Community Development Corporation (CDC), community partners, neighbors and elected officials will officially break ground on Las Adelitas, a new, four-story, multi-family affordable housing development in the Cully neighborhood of NE Portland. Las Adelitas will bring new life to a site that for years was home to a strip club and a hot-bed of illegal activity, replacing it with 142 new affordable homes.

“Hacienda, along with our community partners, have been working for more than five years to redevelop this site in the Cully neighborhood,” said Ernesto Fonseca, CEO of Hacienda CDC.  “The road to get here has been bumpy, and the plot twist at the end was a pandemic. But the tenacity, hope and vision of the community have paid off. We couldn’t be more excited to put the first shovels in the ground next Friday and start construction on a building that will be home to over 400 people,” Fonseca added.

Las Adelitas was designed by Salazar Architects and will be constructed by LMC Construction at the corner of NE Cully Boulevard and NE Killingsworth Streets. Construction will start this month and the building will be complete in October 2022.

“Las Adelitas will be the largest redevelopment project to date in the Cully neighborhood,” said Kevin Kellogg, Hacienda’s Director of Real Estate Development.  “Many partners came together to make this affordable housing a reality, including the Portland Housing Bureau, Oregon Housing and Community Services, and the talented teams at Salazar Architects and LMC Construction.”  Funding for the project includes over $15 million from the Portland Housing Bond, a 2016 voter-approved initiative to build more affordable housing in the City of Portland.

“Rents are rising fast in all of Portland and Cully is no exception.  Las Adelitas means families will be able to continue to live in this community,” said Jaclyn Sarna, Hacienda’s Director of Youth and Family Services.

In addition to housing units, the building will include classroom space for Hacienda’s Portland Niño’s program, which aims to reduce academic and health disparities among Latino children by providing support for families with children from birth to age five.

Las Adelitas will include a mix of units, from studios to three-bedroom apartments. A portion of the units at Las Adelitas will be dedicated to individuals exiting homelessness and supportive services will be provided by Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare.

The groundbreaking celebration will be from 9:30 – 11:30 am on Friday morning. Speakers at the event include: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler; Speaker of the House Tina Kotek; Portland Housing Commissioner Dan Ryan; Oregon Housing & Community Services Director Margaret Salazar; Hacienda Board Chair Peter Platt; and Hacienda CDC Founder and former Multnomah County Commissioner Maria Rojo de Steffey.

Attendees will be required to wear masks and practice social distancing. The event will also be livestreamed on Hacienda’s social media.




About Hacienda CDC:

Hacienda CDC is a Latino Community Development Corporation that strengthens families by providing affordable housing, homeownership support, economic advancement and educational opportunities. Hacienda owns 381 affordable housing units in North and Northeast Portland, Molalla, providing safe, stable homes for 1,500 individuals each year, over half of whom are children.  Hacienda embraces a holistic approach to development with programs in Community Economic Development, Homeownership Support, and Youth and Family Support Services. Hacienda is also developing Rockwood Village, 224 units of affordable housing in Rockwood, in partnership with Community Development Partners. Rockwood Village is set to open later this year.

About the name Las Adelitas:

During the Mexican Revolution many women, who became collectively known as Las Adelitas, took up arms and supported the fight for freedom alongside the men. These women played a variety of roles within the army including camp and medical care, soldier, spy, and some even commanded troops. They traveled with the army throughout the revolution, and unlike the men, they did it all on foot since they were not allowed to ride horseback. Hacienda honors these strong women at this particular site, reminding us that women have always been critical to social change and ongoing struggles for justice and liberty, in spite of the limits placed on them by society and the fact that their contributions are often overlooked by history. In addition, the site for this new housing community was previously home to an adult entertainment complex that harbored prostitution and human trafficking. Replacing an institution that used to exploit women with one that honors the legacy of strong, inspirational women is powerful to us and to the community.

Destress for Your Mental Health


It’s been a difficult time for a lot of families. Many are dealing with a loss, financial instability, and poor health. With all these struggles taking front seat it’s important that we acknowledge our mental health and seek out professional help to support ourselves and others.

It’s okay to ask for help

Oregon-based nonprofit Lines for Life and OHA have launched the Safe + Strong Helpline at 800-923-4357 (800-923-HELP). The line offers free, 24-7 emotional support and resource referral to anyone who needs it – not only those experiencing a mental health crisis. Callers are routed to a counselor who can provide emotional support, mental health triage, drug and alcohol counseling, crisis counseling or just connection.

More information:

Stress management/ health

Stretching and practicing yoga can help your body rid of toxins and fight infections through increasing circulation of the lymph which acts as your body’s filtering and drainage system.

Take a minute to stand up and stretch out your arms and legs. Bend at the waist and let your arms and head hang freely (only if this feels right). Or just lye down and take slow deep breaths focusing on each inhale and exhale.

Adho Mukha Svasana or Downward facing dog

Bhujangasana or Cobra

Arhda Matsyendrasana or Seated Spinal Twist

(you can also do this by lying down and bringing one or both of your legs to your chest then letting them rest to one side of your body)

Stress-relieving hand massage video

Can help to relieve tension, headaches, and pain

Video Block
Double-click here to add a video by URL or embed code. Learn more
Information on the Eviction Moratorium

Renters cannot be evicted for non-payment of rent, evicted without cause or charged any late fees until June 30, 2021. Renters will have until July 1, 2021, to pay back the money they owe. 

Renters must sign and return a Declaration of Financial Hardship and Notice of Eviction Protection in order to be protected by the moratorium. Renters do not have to provide proof of their inability to pay.More information at:

Renters who need legal advice can find support from community resources such as the Community Alliance of Tenants or Legal Aid Services of Oregon. More information about the moratorium and answers to frequently asked questions can be found here.

Where to Find Food Assistance


People in our NE Portland area can receive food assistance either by coming to St Charles pantry on Saturday mornings or requesting food deliveries to their homes.

St. Charles Catholic Church – 5310 NE 42nd, Portland

(503) 281-6461

  • Pantry Hours: Every Saturday from 10:00am to 12:00.

  • Home Delivery Requests: Call Brent at 503-577-4929


C3 Food Pantry is a free food box program for local community in the Cully neighborhood of Portland Oregon. Open to the public for distribution every Tuesday and Saturday from 12-1pm. It is a drive through and pick up system but walk ups are also welcome. No ID is required. Food boxes have a range of fresh and healthy food options including fruit and vegetables, dairy, meat and nonperishable items.

C3 Food Pantry is located at 6120 NE 57th Ave, Portland, OR 97218 (on the corner of NE 57th Ave and NE Portland Highway).

C3 Food Pantry is 100% volunteer led and run. To volunteer at C3 Food Pantry or if you have any questions, please phone/text Rachel Schweitzer (Pantry Director) at 971-600-2337 or Kaz Brooks (C3 Church Pastor) at 503-410-6104.