Transportation Wallet Affordable Housing Pilot


Hacienda partners with PBOT to distribute Transportation Wallet


Earlier this year, Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) kicked off a new pilot program of the Transportation Wallet program for residents of affordable housing. The goal? To make it easier for residents to use the variety of transportation options available in our community. Thanks to this pilot, Hacienda’s Resident Services team distributed 60 Transportation Wallets to residents!

The Transportation Wallet is a collection of passes and credits for use on transit, streetcar, bike share and scooters, and Uber/Lyft created by the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT). PBOT partnered with Hacienda and other community organizations to provide a package of transportation options incentives, known as the Transportation Wallet, for up to 500 residents in the participating housing developments – 60 of these were distributed through Hacienda.

Hacienda residents who met the eligibility requirements to participate in the transportation wallet pilot program processed their application through Hacienda’s Youth and Family Services, Resident Services.

Flavio Garcia, Resident Services Coordinator, said feedback from participants shows “…that for folks, this opportunity is really helpful as transportation costs have become a heavy burden. The residents who participated two years ago were grateful that the event was happening again, as the need for HOP passes has increased with people returning to work and school in person.”

“These programs are very necessary in our community,” says Jessica Lam, Resident Services Manager. “We hope the program grows to meet the demand of transportation.”

Resident Services Coordinator, Mohamed Ali added, “Some folks who don’t own a vehicle said to me that they had to purchase or reload their HOP pass for about $30-$45 a month and said that this program really helped them because they are unemployed.

More information on the pilot is available here.