Statement from Hacienda CDC Chief Executive Officer on Home Lending Program Misinformation

Over the past few days, false information about Hacienda CDC and one of our downpayment assistance programs has rapidly circulated in conservative media, tabloid websites, and social media. 

To be clear, we do not discriminate against anyone and serve all Oregonians equally. 

The truth is important, so we are sharing the following facts about the programming in question:

  1. Through a pilot program for 21 homebuyers, Hacienda distributes mortgage down payment assistance funded through Business Oregon. This is part of the Economic Equity Investment Program (Oregon Senate Bill 1579), which aims to build economic stability, self-sufficiency, wealth-building, and economic equity among disadvantaged individuals, families, businesses, and communities in the State. The program does not exclude U.S. citizens.

  2. Participants need to be Oregon taxpayers with a mortgage pre-approved by a bank or credit union and meet two out of five risk factors outlined by the program governed by State Statute and RGA requirements. These include:

    • Experience of discrimination because of race or ethnicity

    • English language proficiency 

    • Citizenship status 

    • Socioeconomic status

    • Residence or operation in a rural location   

A community flyer we created misstated these program requirements. 

For 32 years, Hacienda CDC has been advancing the health, livability and progress of all Oregonians, regardless of their race or ethnicity. Our mission is to strengthen families by providing affordable housing, homeownership support, economic advancement, and educational opportunities, focusing on creating inclusive pathways to success. 

We ask our community to help in sharing these facts with others. Thank you for being so supportive as we respond to this false information.


Dr. Ernesto Fonseca
Chief Executive Officer
Hacienda CDC

Beatriz Kravetz